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9 Letters upcoming iphone and ipad amazing mind game app

9 Letters upcoming iphone and ipad amazing mind game app

Hi Guys
            I hope you are all fine. Today I am going to share another ios app that is going to be released soon.But lets take a look at what this app does.
As it is clear from the name of the game that it is related to the alphabetical letters somehow but actually it is totally related to the letters.
9 Letters presents you with a single 9 Letter word with the letters randomized. It’s up to you to find the 9 Letter word, and any other 3 to 8 letter words.
There are several modes of the game and you can play which mode you like.

9 Letters upcoming iphone and ipad amazing mind game app
9 Letters upcoming iphone and ipad amazing mind game app

9 Letters upcoming iphone and ipad amazing mind game app
9 Letters upcoming iphone and ipad amazing mind game app

9 Letters upcoming iphone and ipad amazing mind game app
9 Letters upcoming iphone and ipad amazing mind game app

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Device: iPhone & iPad
Category: Game
 Price: $1.99 
Exp. Release Date: Nov. 13, 2014